Admission Information
For the school year parents are required to make an online application for a place in our Reception class for September. This can be done via the City and County of Swansea council website. Parents will then be informed, in writing, with regard to the success of the application.
The school has a limit of 40 pupils for intake in each school year group. Parents who do not live within the school’s defined catchment area will need to submit a ‘Preferred Placement Application Form’. Priority will be given to children who live within the catchment area. Parents of children with disabilities are asked to contact the Headteacher directly to discuss the particular needs of the child.
During the Summer Term, an informal coffee morning will be held with parents of new entrants and the Headteacher, to discuss aspects of the school's organisation and answer any questions parents might have.
Parents who wish to start their child at the school at any other time of the year are asked to contact the Headteacher.
Parents who wish to visit the school are asked to make an appointment depending upon the availability of the Headteacher.
We work closely with our partner secondary school, Cefn Hengoed Comprehensive School, to ensure a smooth transition for pupils between the different phases of education.
The Year 6 children visit the school for an induction day when daily routines and procedures are explained to them, and to take part in some lessons. Meetings take place between staff at both schools to discuss arrangements for individual children.
Ex-pupils visit the school, when appropriate, to speak with Year 6 children about their experiences. Various sporting and learning activities are organised during the year to allow pupils to visit the school in a relaxed atmosphere.
School Organisation
The class organisation is reviewed before the start of the new school year as pupil numbers are finalised. Sometimes it is necessary to organise classes into mixed year groups to keep class sizes to reasonable levels. These arrangements vary as pupil numbers change, and is something that teachers are used to managing.
Each teacher is responsible for a class, as well as one or more curricular area. The classes are organised primarily into mixed-ability groups but organisation is flexible, to reflect the wide range of activities that might be undertaken. There will be opportunities for children to work as individuals, in pairs, as a member of a group, or as a whole class.
Classes combine for morning assembly and sometimes for singing, Music, P.E., Games and Drama lessons and other learning activities as appropriate.